
Joan’s “Create your NEW story!” Seminar series begins Feb. 28th

Attend the series in Colorado at Midtown Arts Center in Fort Collins, CO.
Call (970) 225-2555 to reserve your seat.

You can attend this series from wherever you are in the world.
Buy a $20 ticket to participate in the event LIVE,text in questions and follow Joan at her Ustream channel


February 28 – The power of dreaming – the seed of the future.
March 14 – A strength development plan – to identify and use our strengths.
April 11 – A wise plan – convert your vision into goals and your goals into achievable steps.

September 5 – Committed people on your team – you do not have to do it alone.
October 17 – Strategies for aligned action – actions aligned with our true identities.
November 21 – Leadership and living on purpose – you are the authentic leader
of your life, transcending problems to find new creative perspectives

Watch the short video about the 1st Program – Feb. 28