Listen to Joan read a poem “Variation on a thme by Rilke” by Denise Leverton

We are getting close to the day of surgery – Thursday, June 24th.  I will be in Denver with a friend the evening before and the evening after, returning to the Canyon on Friday.  The surgeon will remove the lump and tissue that appears normal. However, pathology will examine the tissue over the next few days and if it is considered normal surgery will be complete. If the surrounding tissue is not normal, there will be a second surgery to remove te breast. We will not know that for a few days. I anicipate, based on the PET/CT scan, that a lumpectomy will be sufficient, but will await confirmation. Also lymph nodes will be excised.

I don’t know when chemotherapy/radiation will begin. I am not sure when my walking will resume. Thanks to those of you who volunteered to walk with me, I will put up a schedule when I know about the surgeries and post surgical treatment.

I feel marvelously supported by all of you, my friends whom I was with at The Endocrine Society Meetings, and all of you in Colorado and around the world. Thank You for your loving energy.

This morning, back in the canyon I greatly enjoyed my walk. Here is a picture of what I see when I start off my walk.